I. degree - € 400
II. degree - € 450
III. degree: master - € 550
IV. degree: teacher - € 850
V. and VI. degrees - € 800
Grandmaster inauguration of the master
Great harmony / Great division
VII. degree - € 300
Wisdom symbol
VIII. and IX. degree - € 600
Heart symbol / neck symbol
X. and XI. degrees - € 600
Great Freedom / Great Peace
XII. degree - € 300
The third eye sees
Archangel Gabriel - 50€
The symbol serves to protect people from any occupation by foreign energies.
Archangel Uriel - 90€
This symbol "the light bubble" is primarily intended for people who are active in healing. It serves to wrap people - but also animals or parts of landscape - in a light bubble. Valuable, among other things, for acute hazards, severe exhaustion or severe operations.
Archangel Raphael - 90€
This symbol is used to heal current physical injuries as well as karmic wounds that are still present in the subtle bodies. It also strengthens Raphael's green healing ray in the healing of the physical and karmic wounds of our earth.
Archangel Michael - 90€
The symbol primarily serves to raise the vibrations between truly loving and close people (family, close friends, lovers), to connect them more strongly, to bathe in love and to heal. At the same time, it can be applied to animals and plants that surround us. It is a symbol of love that promotes love and releases coercion.
The symbol Gaia - 90€
This symbol serves to absorb the healing power of the "herd soul" of our planet in a bundled and strengthened way and to use it for the healing of their beings (humans, animals, plants, natural beings). It serves the strengthening and energising, mental and physical healing.
Elisabeth 🤍 ROSA
Geomantie . Energetik . Reiki .
spirituelle Auszeit-Begleitung
🇦🇹 Achstrasse 5 . 6844 Altach . Österreich
🇵🇹 Ladeira do Fuderno . 9950-365 Madalena (Pico) . Azoren . Portugal
🩷 Zahme Vögel zwitschern von Freiheit…
Wilde Vögel fliegen!
🩵 Pássaros mandos chilrear de liberdade...
Pássaros selvagens voam!
💚 Tame birds chirp of freedom...
wild birds fly!